Tuesday, July 20, 2004

What the press contributed to the presidential candidates

Political contributions by pressies per Petrelis Files.  The money quote: 

For the entire list click MediaBias

Wish I could say I was surprised at how many media people have donated to Sen. John Kerry, the Democratic National Committee, or Democratic candidates, but I can't.
I'm don't know if any of these publications or news services have policies barring political contributions, and if they do, then journalistic ethics are being violated. If publications lack such prohibitions, now might be a good time for the outlets to consider implementing such a policy.
In no particular order of importance, here are the highlights of what I found, in my unscientific survey:
- Rupert Murdoch donated $2,000 to Kerry's Senatorial campaign in 2001; and he gave Sen. Ted Kennedy $1,000 in 1999.
- New Yorker senior editor Hendrik Hertzberg, gave Kerry's presidential campaign $900, a fact I don't think he has disclosed in the magazine.

- Martin Peretz, editor in chief of The New Republic, donated $2,000 to Kerry in February.

- Former Vermont governor Howard Dean was the second-top recipient of reporters' dollars.

- President George Bush didn't receive a single donation from any outlet or reporter in my search.

- The one donation from a Wall Street Journal writer this year, Henny Sender, was for $300 for Kerry.

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